Shirt Shading
This tutorial was created using Adobe Photoshop CS, but it is working in any other similar graphic programmes.

First, choose a base, copy and paste it into your dolling programme, and create a colour pallette with three shades - the darkest for outline&shading, a medium one, and one for the highlights.


Create a new layer and call it "shirt". Pick the pencil tool (size 1) and draw the outline of the shirt. Depending on if you want a more loose or more fitting shirt, you follow the base out line more or less close.

The body bends a little to the right (our point ov view), that's why I already added a little "bump", where the main fold will later run.

Don't forget to clean up the lines (using the eraser tool ), else your clothing item will look messy!

Pick the medium colour, the filling tool and fill the shirt.

Duplicate the shirt layer and pick the darkest colour, to add the shadows with the airbrush , size 1.

Take a look at the original base shape and shading to check where to add shadows to define the shape of the shirt. Even a loose shirt one will follow certain rules - below the breasts, arms and at her waist.

To make the shirt fall more natural, add a few horicontal folds. The folds across her chest usually follow the direction of the shoulder line, those at her waist should then go in the direction opposing the shoulder line.

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(Don't worry if you draw out of the shirt outline, we'll fix that later.)

Pick the smudge tool (size 2-5, pressure about 70%) and start smudging the folds. Try to make it even, but don't overdo it - the folds should still be clearly defined, whereas the shadows at her breasts should be more smudged.


Duplicate the shirt layer ahain and pick the lightest colour, to draw the highlights using  the airbrush, size 1.

Again, there are some areas where there'll usually be hightlights - at the shoulders and on her chest, and of course accenting the already existing folds. On a loose shirt there won't be too many highlighted areas.

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Again, go over the highlights with the smudge tool  (size 2-5, pressure about 70%) and smudge the highlights. Try to get rid of too harsh contrasts and to keep it smooth.

Merge (Ctrl+E) all the shirt layers apart from the original one (the one named simply "shirt").

Then pick the darken tool
(size about 9; opacity around 20) and add some more shadow under the breasts and at her sides. Be careful not to overdo it!


Return to the first shirt layer and use the wand tool to select the shirt filling. Press Shift+Ctrl+I to invert t he selection, return to the shirt layer containing the shading and delete the selection.
You're done now!  Just fiddle a bit with the colours and add a few details, et voilą.

If you have any question about the tutorial, send me a mail or sign my guestbook! Feedback would be welcome! :)